War of the Dead

March 9 2014
After the way Bubba handled John's mom none of the women in the group was talking to him. They all decided to spend the night at her house. Bubba decided to spend the night in an outhouse with a pack of warm beer.

The dawn was broken by the loud sound of military humvees and automatic gun fire. Raiders decided to do a drive through, shooting up the town.

Taylor, Duncan and Mike headed out to find Bubba. Bubba made a run for the hunting rifles that the town stored in a small barn that was used as an armory. Unfortunately the raiders found Taylor, Duncan and Mike first. The raiders sped down the street shooting at Taylor, Duncan and Mike. All three where hit by bullets and saved by their flak jacks from serious damage. Mike took aim and picked off one of the raiders leaning out the open door of the humvee, nailed him right between the eyes, sending the raider tumbling onto the street. In return Mike took several hits from the raider's comrades and ended up bleeding profusely. Everyone remained in hiding seeking cover between the brick houses until the humvee finished speeding past them. The raiders were just having fun not hunting for trophies.

Taylor and Duncan helped Mike get back to the house so they could try to stop the bleeding.

Meanwhile Bubba arrived at the armory with toilet paper still hanging out of his draws. Despite his bad appearances he marshals a group of 7 other men to follow him towards the fire fight. Things looked grim when two humvees turned a corner and started racing towards them with guns a blazing.

Bubba's men ran for cover on both sides of the road, those that we not fast enough got shot. Bubba himself hid behind a parked car on the street, waiting. Bubba held two grenades, one in each hand, with pulled pins waiting for the humvees. At the last moment Bubba stepped out from behind the parked car right between the humvees, which were speeding down the road as if they were drag racing. He tossed grenades in both directions one into each humvee right through the open windows and pass the men leaning out of them.

Both humvees went another 80 feet and then blew up, tumbling to a halt. A few of the men with Bubba stayed behind to help with the wounded townsmen. Bubba continued on down the road towards the sounds of shooting, a single surviving raider crawled his way out of the wreckage, he took aim at Bubba's back. Just as he was about to pull the trigger the humvee he was standing behind exploded, killing him.

Bubba didn't get too far from the wreckage before he heard screams from the wounded and their attendants. Flaming zombies were shambling out of the wreckage. They had to be dealt with first.

When the raiders finished their early morning joy ride through town the people at Hirshbeck began to seriously consider relocating over to the gated community.

Mike and some other townsmen were just too badly hurt to move anywhere. Mike would need weeks of rest in the town medical clinic before going back out on the road.

During those two long weeks nobody really knew if Mike would recover, Bubba and Duncan started moving the town people to the gated community. Just a few each trip, 10-12 people, if the entire 100+ townsmen started walking down the road as a group they would be sure to draw a lot of zombie attention. On the fifth trip thing got interesting, halfway to the gated community, there parked on the road blocking their passage was a tank and two humvees, full of raiders.

The dialog was short. The raiders knew about the gated community and they disapprove of the move. The raiders turned around and started driving towards the gated community.

Bubba and Duncan send the townsmen they were escorting back to Hirshbeck and they headed to the gated community with just two other townsmen to see what has happened. When they get there oddly the people at the gated community knew nothing about the raiders and have not seen them.

Bubba and Duncan double timed it back to Hirshbeck to update everyone. The town again is up in a fuss. Almost half the remaining people are at the gated community and the other half is still at Hirshbeck and the raiders are as threat to both. The next morning a note is found, written by the father of the family that Noot convinced to come along with the group. The parents have been arguing a lot and their two young daughters liked to hang around Noot when their parents fought.


No doubt you’re going to be pissed at me for drugging you when you finally wake-up, but then again— when aren’t you pissed. In case you haven’t realized it, or just don’t want to admit it to yourself; this community is more dangerous than being out there on the road with those damned things. We’ve got fathers coming back to eat their children, kids burning their parents, and a firefighter trying to hold it all together. I mean, seriously?

There is no way in hell I am trusting these people with the safety and well being of our children. For Christ’s sake, they can’t hold themselves together— and they’re going to survive an attack by hundreds of those dead things?

No thank you.

And since you won’t listen to reason, I’ll take care of it myself. I’m taking the kids to the military base. Those people obviously have supplies, they undoubtedly have weapons and I’ll bet my ass they have more common sense than these people. If you decide to join us, you’re more than welcome. If not, try to stay safe.

Love Always,

Several hunters from Hirshbeck know exactly where the military base was, a two day hike if you cut right through the woods. Mike is finally feeling up to moving but has strict orders from the veterinarian that has been tending him to take it easy. He could easily undo his healing and start to bleed again. Bubba, Duncan, Taylor and Mike decide to have a hunter show them the way to the military base. A recon mission only, they need to find out what they are dealing with.

Half a day away from the base the group finds scattered bear traps, several with detached zombie legs in them. Just past the bear traps the group walks into an ambush of 4 military guys with rifles. Mike takes a shot full in the chest. The flak jack stops most of the impact but he is wounded and bleeding again.

After the military guys are taken care of the group notices that one of the militia guys has a stuffed toy bunny that belongs to one of the little girls.



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