Helm's Slain Monster EXP Calculator

This page is for game masters who create their own monsters for Helm's Slain and need to calculate how many experience points the monster is worth.

Monster Stats

Hit Points

Bonus Hit Points

Bonus hit points is a fudge factor for monsters with damage reduction, blinking ability or that have regeneration. As an example for DR 1 multiply the monster's HP by 0.2 to calculate the bonus hit points. DR 2 multiply by 0.3, DR 3 multiply by 0.4

Attack Dice

To-Hit Pluses

Ambush Dice

Average Damage

Average damage for most monsters is 3.5 (1d6) or if it is different it is identified by a (D) value.

Bonus Damage

Special one time damage (M) or range attack damage, or spell damage.

Armor Class


Number of attacks.

Exp: 24



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