*** W A R N I N G *** This webpage contains spoilers
After centuries of war, pollution, global warming, and dwindling fossil fuels the human race was at last saved from the brink of destruction. In the year 2138, scientists of Old Earth discovered a way to clone the dying planet and begin anew. Of course everyone in power wants to own this new earth!
This is the story of clone world #00301142
The Virgin Board

Adam takes the first win with the Khan Industries faction starting in Peru. Adam established the first major city in Peru, Adamville. Is the victory pic blurred because I am a poor photographer or because I lost the first game? You be the judge!
Game 2

Hans wins the second game with the Imperial Balkania faction starting in Western Australia. Hans establishes a major city in Western Australia, Hanstopia.
Game 3

Nate wins the third game with the Enclave of the Bear faction starting in Argentina. Nate establishes a major city in Eastern United States, New New York.
Game 4

David wins the fourth game with the Saharan Republic faction starting in East Australia. David names the continent Australia to Austria. It's even-Steven! Four games, four players and each of us has won one game.
Game 5

Hans gets his second win in the fifth game with the Enclave of the Bear faction starting in Indonesia. Hans establishes a major city in Alaska, Hanstropolis.
Game 6

Hans gets his third win in game six using the Imperial Balkania faction starting in Alaska. Hans establishes a major city in Japan, Hanstokyo.
During the battle for East Africa too many missiles were used and East Africa became a nuclear wasteland only inhabitable by the faction, the Mutants.
Game 7

Nate gets his second win in game seven using the Enclave of the Bear faction starting in the Middle East. Nate removes the toxic waste from Eastern United States.
Game 8

Adam gets his second win in game eight using the Khan Industries faction starting in Peru. Adam names the continent South America to Adamsland.
Game 9

David gets his second win in game nine using the Saharan Republic faction starting in East Australia. David increments the continental bonus of Austria from 2 to 3. All players have won 2 games and I have won three wins. Close enough to even-Steven, at least for me.
After a long and drawn out battle that could have been anyone's game, David owns all the islands and establishes a connection from New Guinea to Peru.
Game 10

Hans gets his fourth win in game ten using the Khan Industries faction starting in South Australia. Hans fortifies Hanstopia.
Too many reinforcements are deployed on one turn and the Aliens that have been living amongst us entered into the fight. Alien Island appears and connects to Western United States and Eastern Australia.
Game 11

David gets his third win in game eleven using the Mutant faction starting in Madagascar, now forever known as the Mutants of Madagascar. David names the continent Africa to Davrifa.
Game 12

Nate gets his third win in game twelve using the Enclave of the Bear faction starting in Southeast Asia. Nate fortifies New New York.
Nate won the game on the very first round before anyone else even had a turn and established the World Capital
Game 13

Hans gets his fifth win in game thirteen using the Mutant faction starting in Madagascar. Hans names the continent North America to Amerihans.
Game 14

Hans gets his sixth win in game fourteen using the Alien faction starting on Alien Island. Hans names the continent Europe to Eurohans.
Game 15

David gets his fourth win in game fifteen using the Mutants of Madagascar, ending the game.
Clone world #00301142 is now and shall be forever known as HansisRock