War of the Dead

February 23 2014
Duncan and Mike decide to check out the inside of the house. It seems empty now. Inside they find empty cans of food and some crayon drawings done by small children. Together they decide to check out the last street and then head back to the front gates and report to the rest of the group.

Along the way they see a house full of shamblers staring out from a large front window. The zombies seem agitated being stuck inside but then suddenly two sprinters jump through the window and run after Duncan and Mike with shamblers stumbling through the broken window in tow. Duncan cuts a sprinter clean in half, the other sprinter is holding his own. As the crowd of shamblers close in on the two they decide it is best to run.

Duncan and Mike are running down the street when gun fire is heard nearby. They don’t know if they are the targets or zombies so they keep on running. The rest of the group hears the gun fire and suspects Duncan and Mike are in trouble so they hop over the wall to find out what is happening. They meet up in the street and kill the chasing zombies as they approach. The next task is to look for who was shooting.

The group finds a play set pushed up against the brick wall and dead zombies just on the other side. Noot looks around for tracks and discovers recent tracks from two adults and two children. Bubba and Noot leave the rest of the group in pursuit of the family, they can move faster without the rest of the group with them. About a mile away Noot sees a hunter blind with a gun barrel poking out. Now it’s time to talk. It takes a while to persuade the parents to come along but they are tired of running and perhaps there will be safety in numbers. They all head back to the gated community for safety.

Back there they start the job of clearing out the houses one by one. It’s an easy task and they find least a weeks worth of food. Plus an odd little man, Proffessor Shinigami, an odd man with an odd collection. He collects the blood prints zombies leave on walls. He refers to them as zombie finger painting. He carefully wets a piece of paper and presses it against the bloody handprint and makes a duplicate, much like silly putty and news print. Proffessor Shinigami has a large scrapbook album of his precious art work that he plans on preserving for the future so the future will always know just artistic the zombies are.

The gated community is a safe place but with only one weeks worth of food something needs to be done. The group decides to move on to Hirshbeck, it is just two days away.

At Hirshbeck the group is greeted with suspicion but the sight of all the women and children makes them hard to turn away. Hirshbeck is a nice community of about 100 people, well supplied and much unscathed by the zombie apocalypse. The residents of Hirshbeck have seen plenty of shamblers in small number but had no idea how large the crowds got until Bubba described their experience at Dalesbury. Bubba is very agitated at the seemingly lack of security of this town. Noot spends time with a 17 year old boy, John, who keeps offering to play D&D with her. John’s father disappeared right after the outbreak and he has been busy being the man of the house for his mom, his little brother and sister.

The next day the group is offered to come along on a hunting trip. The deer in this area are plentiful. Michael showed them how to hunt, BANG! dropped the deer with a clean kill. For the next seven hours Noot tracked deer but the hunters kept spooking their deer and never got a good shot off. That night Duncan became concerned when he saw a lone person running down the street to the open fields. He went outside and saw a small but growing crowd in the field. The group decided to check this out. The angry crowd was dragging a shambler to a tree. They tied him to the tree and started spraying lighter fluid all over him. The shambler had been John’s father, missing for two months. Tonight while mom was playing cards with the women somehow this shambler just wandered right into town into his old house and attacked his own little daughter. John’s mom was on the ground weeping. Bubba very agitated again and grabbed John’s mom and demanded to know what happed to her daughter, Bubba was afraid of a demon baby outbreak but the towns people knew what had to be done and had already done so. Either way, Bubba is not making any friends with these town people.

After the burning, Taylor picked up a conversation with the right person just at the right time. A townsman has been picking up a broadcast on his ham radio. The group went over to his house to listen in

. . . . for those of you just now finding this station, let me repeat what I just said. Although I’m not a licensed broadcaster— the guy that used to run this small station is either dead or shambling around somewhere out there— I thought it kind of important that I get word out to anyone that could hear me about what I was told three days ago.

There I was, surrounded by the ghouls and about to become one of them. I was trapped in what used to be a supermarket, and my gun was dry. That’s right folks, I didn’t even have enough common sense to save the last bullet for myself. Anyway, I was sure yours truly was food for the masses, when automatic fire came raining through the front window. It didn’t take long for the ghouls to go down, and those that didn’t suddenly had a new target grabbing their attention.

After the smoke had cleared and the bodies hit the floor— uh, Let the Bodies Hit the Floor . . . I used to like that song. Anyway, it looked like my saviors were none other than soldiers of the good ol’ United States Military. Tell ya what; I’d never been so glad in my life that they weren’t overseas anymore. This isn’t some politically correct bullshit to fake a sense of patriotism most the country never actually felt anyway, but let me thank the members of our armed forces that saved my ass. I mean that genuinely, too. They actually saved my ass.

Turns out that these guys had gone rogue weeks before. According to them, they were part of the detail that accompanied our esteemed Vice President and certain members of Washington to an undisclosed location. While the President and others hightailed it to Colorado and left the rest of us to rot, the Vice President was sent elsewhere. Guess they didn’t want all their eggs in one basket or some crap. Anyway, these guys barely managed to make it out when the shit hit the fan.

You know, you gotta love the fact that the FCC is pretty much sucking air nowadays. I’d always wanted to hear a radio station talk like it was real. All right, to get to the point, the Vice President, and pretty much everyone with him that didn’t get out of town like my saviors did, is gone. Or to put it a better way, gone in the living sense. I’m sure they’re out there shambling around somewhere. Which is pretty ironic if you ask me. So, in other words, don’t bet on the government to sort this mess out. In case you didn’t figure this out already: you’re on your own, folks.

And, now I hear moaning outside. Ain’t that nice. Well, looks time it’s time for me to start finding better shelter. This is Tommy Garing, telling you like it is. Over and out!



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