War of the Dead

February 16 2014
It has been a month since the fall of Dalesbury. The group has been on the road and on the run since then. They are down to just a handful of ammo each and completely out of food. It's getting dark and they see something they have not seen in two months. Electric lights. A house just 100 yards off the road has all its lights turned on. The group decides to go closer and check it out.

They move through the woods avoiding the long dirt driveway. When they get to the edge of the clearing they decide it would be safest to have the two women and the 3 year old Oksana hide up in a tree as they move forward to check out the house. The house has solar panels and six shambling zombies standing outside looking in the windows, trying to get in, drawn to the light. Bubba and Duncan draw the shamblers away from the house and into the woods and kill them. Taylor the tool man is drawn to the tool shed in the backyard, you never know when you need more tools, Mike goes with him. Bubba and Duncan decide it's best to scout out the rest of the outside of the house before trying to enter. Sure enough a few more zombies are on the other side of the house staring in at the light, they put them down.

Just as Bubba and Duncan engage the shamblers and Taylor and Mike are busy trying to figure out what is making the scratching noise in the dark tool shed. The women start to scream. A feral demon baby is leaping tree to tree and charging the girls. Duncan using his handless arm to steady his rifle, takes aim and shoots the demon baby square in the chest knocking it out of the tree, using one of his last two bullets. Mike makes sure that it is dead with an axe.

Taylor and Mike finish their "deadly" shed experience by catching the raccoon that was hiding in the corner. "Looks like meats is back on the menu boys!"

The group decides since the lights are on, surely someone is at home and the only polite thing to do is to knock on the front door, zombie apocalypse or not, certain civilities should be maintained. After a few knocks and even a doorbell ring no one has answered the door. Taylor starts working on picking the lock. Bubba checks under the mat, under the garden rock and in the potted plant. It was the potted plant that supplied the spare key.

Inside the house the front rooms were empty but meticulously clean, even fresh runner marks made by a vacuum on the carpet. The kitchen was also clean and the only food left was a pair of canned peaches. Finally Mike opens the door to a bedroom. Inside was an old man lying on the bed all bloody and quite dead, his killer, an old woman that has recently turned, is sitting in an electric wheel chair. The zombie woman still operating the chair’s joy stick moves towards Mike. She would have looked more formidable if she had not lost her dentures while killing her husband. Toothlessly she slowly drove after Mike jawing away with bare gums.

The group slept the night in the house. It felt good to have hot running water and access to a washer and dryer. They would have liked to stay longer but there was no food, time to move on. Bubba looked around the house for local maps and advertisements to figure out where they were and how far away a town might be, hopefully a small town with food to be found. Hirshbeck, looked close on a map.

Back on the road. Halfway through the first day the group found a gated community. About 40 homes surrounded by a 8 foot tall brick wall and a large iron gate across the road. Duncan and Mike climb over the wall to scout about. Oddly all the house doors were closed but unlocked. The place looked like an over ran mess. Duncan and Mike found a house that is different from the others, boarded up windows and a locked door. They notice a man looking out the second story window. He accused the two of being raiders and tells them to go away. Duncan and Mike went back to the gates to tell the others what they found. When they went back to the house the back door was open and no one was answering their calls from the second story of the house.



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