War of the Dead

April 27 2014
The group decided to move ahead towards the military base, Mike limping along having difficulty breathing. Bubba caught wind of a small shack with an operating still and decided to hold out there as the others went ahead. The group didn’t have to travel too far before they found a small dirt road with a humvee parked. The humvee was empty of people and ignition keys. Taylor acted fast and got the humvee hot wired and ready to go just like a pro.

The town guide took the group to the edge of the military base. The woods around the base was cleared out for 100 yards in all directions. The base was fenced in by a double walled cyclone fence, barbed wire, a closed gate, and at least 100 raiders milling about listen listening to load rock music over the PA system. The tank that the group encountered a few days before on the road was parked right inside near the gate. It looked like the raiders didn’t take to Jeff’s proposal of him joining them. He was strung up on a section of fence, no one could tell if he was dead or unconscious from their vantage point outside the base. The group decided to sneak around the base staying in the woods to get a good look at it from all sides. That’s when they discovered a large pen full of hundreds of zombies, most of them still in their official military clothing.

As the group started hashing out a plan a lone raider snuck up behind them and put a gun right up against the back of Mike’s head. “March!” was the command. Reluctantly they started moving forward, as they entered the clearing that surrounded the base Duncan made his move. A while ago Taylor had harnessed a switch blade in place of Duncan’s missing hand. Duncan jumped they guy using the blade before the raider had a chance to react. The raider went down but not before the military base activated with shouts and the sounds of engines revving up. The group ran back through the woods and to the humvee they left down the road.

The raiders drove their humvees out the base and started circulating the camp towards their fallen man. The group drove right up to the base, turned and followed the line of other humvees, after all it was of their own humvees that had been out on patrol. They followed the other humvees around the perimeter of the base until they were in position as per the plan. Mike crashed the humvee through the exterior fencing and steered towards the corner of the zombie pen planning on taking out the fence and freeing the zombies. Unfortunately at the last moment the humvee bounced, landed on a fence pole and got hung up with no traction. Zombies started crawling over the wreckage, raiders approached from around the corner of a building towards the group, it looked bad. The group jumped out of the humvee and made their way to the closest building safely, the raiders had their hands full by the released zombie horde.

The room was sparse, one of the two missing girls was tied to a chair and crying, and two surprised guards. Duncan in a rage rushed the guards and killed them with a hand axe before they knew what to do. The little girl still crying said “Those guys did something bad to my sister and my sister did something mean to me” as she pointed to the door leading to the next room. Inside the room was her zombified sister.

Random bullets started to fly through the thin walls of the building as the battle between raiders and zombies raged on outside. The group needs to leave fast, they go through another door and as they enter the next room the far wall explodes inward. The tank fired a shot hitting the wall, wood debris flew everywhere. The group is merely stunned but the surviving little girl is hit hard by flying wood debris and is going to need medical attention right away. The group starts to move towards the hole the tank made when the town guide in fear runs out in front of them, through the hole in the wall and is shot down with automatic gun fire.

The group cautiously moves near the hole in the wall and can see an abandoned humvee just 30 feet outside of the building. The gunmen who had been shooting in their direction has turned and started shooting in the other direction at approaching zombies. Taylor runs to the humvee and hops in the driver’s seat, Duncan crawls into the back seat, and Mike can’t keep up with the other two. Mike is staggering and falling behind while still having trouble breathing and carrying the unconscious little girl. Bullets fly over Mike’s head as he makes the final rush to the humvee. Taylor already has the vehicle running and ready to go.

As they leave the base, the gate is still open, the tank takes a parting shot at them and misses but they are now being perused by 3 humvees full of raiders. Mike quickly shoots the tire out on the first humvee and it ends up in a ditch on the side of the road. The fire fight between the other two chasing humvees and the group takes them down a long and unfamiliar road with both sides leaning out the windows and shooting without much effect. The group’s humvee takes a hit to a rear tire and starts to slow down, Mike takes a bullet right into the shoulder and may never regain his full strength. After half an hour of being chased Duncan waits, aims and hits a tire on a humvee as it is passing the other chasing humvee on the narrow road. The first crashes into the second and they both veer into the woods.



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