War of the Dead

May 11 2012
The group approached a small town, once that perhaps had a population of 1,000 people, now full of aimlessly wandering zombies. The group walked to the edge of town for a closer look. Many zombies started shambling towards them right down the middle of the road. The group moved off the road and into a baseball field with a fairly sturdy fence. Using the fence they separated themselves for the horde of zombies while Noot snuck off to loot a grocery store. Noot filled up her grocery cart with canned food and medical supplies. The only food that is still fit to eat anymore is dried goods and canned goods but even those can’t last forever. As Noot is ready to leave 3 zombies attack her. It was a horrible fight. Poor Noot was bit and the arm and on the leg. She left the store pushing the cart through the field crying knowing that she was now going to die.

Dr House examined Noot when she returned. He could bandage up her wounds but it is the zombie infection that really needs to be taken care of. Dr. House with his newly developed inner eye could actually see the zombie infection spreading in Noot’s body. He had to try something and instinctively he placed his hands on the bite marks and concentrated. Dr. House’s hands turned bitter cold and frost started to form on Noot’s wounds. Dr. House now could see that the infection was gone. Noot will live!

Bubba is so appreciative of Dr. House’s work that he gives Dr. House a full jar of pain killers as a reward. Dr. House wasted no time in getting back in the saddle to his pill popping habit. Dr. House hated taking the pills but it just made him feel so good.

The group decides to go back to the last intersection and find a way around this town. That night while Drake and Sheriff Buford were on watch and still working on their keg, they both fell asleep. Drake dreamed of the little girl from the cruise ship that was pulled away from Amanda’s feet by zombies. In his dream the little girl walked into their camp from a swamp and grabbed Drake and started to bite him. Drake jerked himself awake swinging wildly, luckily it was all a dream.

The next day as they moved down the road the group started moving through a swampy area vaguely familiar to Drake. Drake is nervous, then from the water zombies started coming out. It was as if they had laid an ambush. Zombies had hidden themselves under the water. Only Bubba had noticed that deeper in the swamp there was a little zombie girl. He tried to point her out to Noot but Noot only saw a glimpse of movement in the murky underbrush and fired a few shots at the underbrush just for good measure. During the fight N00bkiller42 got to show everyone his signature move. He was standing on top of the wagon taunting the zombies with his over-plump hammocks and when the pair of zombies came to eat he shoved a Smith and Weston into each of their mouths and fire simultaneously. “That’s the way it’s done n00bies!”



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