War of the Dead

March 30 2012
The group drives back to Dalesbury and Dr. House fills them in on what has happened at the doctor’s office. The townsmen unload the supplies from the trucks and begin to fortify the town borders. Bubba fortifies a safe room in the church.

Parker in an attempt to find out more info about the doctor and the mayor, messes herself up, tears her shirt and bra, whips up some tears and runs into the sheriff’s office telling a very convincing lie about being raped by town guards. The sheriff knows these mayor’s henchmen can be trouble and does everything he can to help her but in the end she finds out nothing new and he does not find any suspects.

Amanda is worried about the sick 3 year old girl, Oksana, who went missing with Drake and Duncan. She visits the local bar hoping to find out info about what has been happing on the town and why would the doctor and other people go missing. In the bar Amanda discovers a disgruntle ex-guard who tells her that anyone who disagrees with the mayor disappears. He tells Amanda that the warehouse next to Home Depot in Mayville is where people go and never return.

The group decides to drive back to Mayville and check out the warehouse. The group notices operating security cameras on the front of the building, the building has electricity. The group decides to send Bubba to the front door carrying Noot as if she were injured. The door is not latched and swings open as Bubba knocks on the door. The rest of the group drives up in the car and together they all go into the dark warehouse with flashlights.

When the group reaches the middle of the warehouse flood lights from above on the catwalk turn on blinding the group. The voices of many men command the group to lay down their arms and surrender. After a few tense moments the group decides to follow the instructions. One by one they are led down to a lower level and put into individual prison cells, Duncan, the missing little girl, and two other missing town women are also in cells of their own in the same hallway. As they are led to their own cell each person passes through a large room with guards and they see Duncan who is strapped to a gurney and pitifully struggling trying to escape.

Bubba manages to keep his switch blade hidden. It’s just enough to help him lift the latch on the lock on the makeshift cell door. After a while the guards announce that it is feeding time, feeding time for zombies, and one of the prisoners is going to be the meat on the menu. Parker’s cell is right across from Bubba’s, Bubba make a series of silent gestures to Parker. When the guards walk past her cell looking for whom to take next she yells and beckons to the guards and get their attention, as soon as they open her door, Bubba pushes open his cell door and in an amazing move manages to knock the rifle out of the closest guard’s hands, puts him in the sleeper position with one arm and slashes the second guards’ neck open with his switchblade.

Parker takes the guard’s keys and lets everybody else out of their cells. She put’s on one of the guards clothing and walks out into the next room to scout out what is happening. The Doctor is in the room holding a zombie head in his hands and is about to let it bite Drake again. All the guards are mesmerized watching this scene and so is Parker. After waiting for a while and Parker not returning, Bubba makes the call to charge into the room and try to make a run for an escape.

Bullets go flying, red warning lights start blinking and reinforcements run into the room. Amanda does not want the doctor to escape so she shoots him in the leg. The doctor goes down only to stand up again with the zombie head firmly attached to his nose. Next, from the area where the red light is flashing a large group of zombies enter the battle, each of them with a number and barcode tattooed onto their forehead. A shambler steps onto the gurney that Drake is trapped to and grunts to his fellow zombies. The other zombies follow his orders to ignore the group and kill the guards, and then the leader zombie grunts again while looking at the group and points to the door. They group understands and run out of the building.

After the group leaves the building Dr. House treats Bubba who during the fire fight was shot, Bubba rewards Dr. House with a few vicodin that Bubba had taken from Dr. House the other day. Now the group is heading back to Dalesbury, the city needs to be protected from the approaching zombie horde and several people in the group want revenge on Mayor Kwame.



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