War of the Dead

March 16 2012
The group drives out of the warehouse parking lot and stops to decide what to do next, drive back into Raleigh and join JJ at JJ’s Gun Emporium or drive away from Raleigh, the lost city. As they ponder several apache helicopters fly overhead leaving Raleigh. One of the helicopters starts to swerve erratically and goes down several miles down the road. The group decides to check out the wreck. They find another M16 rifle, a dozen grenades and three shoulder-mounted rocket launchers.

As they are divvying up the loot a pickup truck with four men carrying hunting rifles approach. They say they are from a nearby small town Dalesbury and invite the group to come along with them. Dalesbury is a small new England town bordered up by cars, farm equipment, and cyclone fencing, guards patrol the makeshift walls with hunting rifles. The group is let in and are voted in as new residence as long as they can do their part to support the town. The town’s general feeling is that the government is responsible for this zombie mess. A middle aged man, Doc, first needs to inspect everyone for bites and treat the wounded at his office. Noot, Duncan, the sick little girl and Drake all stay there to get healed up. The town’s mayor is busy and does not get a chance to greet the group for a few days but the good doctor arranges food and lodging for the group.

Upon doing a medical exam on all the members of the group the doctor immediately notices the fresh bit on Drake’s arm and is surprised that he is still alive. Drake tells the doctor that he is immune to the virus and shows the doctor his older bite that is still barely visible. The Doctor can’t believe this medical discovery.

For some reason unknown to Bubba, Dr. House decides to get into Bubba’s face and get real mean, taunting Bubba. Bubba finally has enough and punches Dr. House in the nose and takes the bottle of vicodin that Dr. House is holding onto. Bubba walks away with the bottle with an uneasy feeling that somehow Dr. House has just used him.

Bubba, Noot, Amanda and Parker go out on their first patrol with 4 town folks who come along to show the new guys the ropes. The duty of the patrol is to drive around the surrounding area killing zombies and siphoning gas from any vehicles they can find. On their first encounter the group finds a small crowd of shamblers. Parker uses one of the rocket launchers and blows up two thirds of the zombies, leaving behind a large crater in the road. Just after they group finishes killing the last of the zombies three military Humvees pull up filled with soldiers that left Raleigh. Amanda invites the military to stay at Dalesbury. The town's men don’t think this is a good idea but they are way outgunned. Bubba doubts this is a good idea too.

As the military pulls into Dalesbury Mayor Kwame meets everyone at the city’s makeshift gate. A heated argument breaks out between Mayor Kwame who demands the military to move along and Major Morgan who demands that his troops be allowed to stay and rest up. As guns are being drawn and leveled between the military and town guards, Amanda manages to calm everyone down and broker an agreement between the two parties. The military will only stay two days, eat their own food and helping with patrols.

The Mayor demands that Bubba, Noot, Amanda and Parker go on patrol with the military because they brought this problem on the town. So they obey the mayor’s demand and go on patrol with 4 of the soldiers. Bubba climbs a hill and uses one of the military’s fancy night binoculars and see’s something horrible. Far down the road, the road is so full of zombies that all he can see is the road changing color. They run back to the town to warn everyone that in 48 hours the hoard of zombies will be at their city’s gate.

A town meeting is called and Bubba notices that Dr. House, Parker and Drake are missing. At the end of the meeting Dr. House and Parker walk in but don’t say what they have been up to. The town has decided it will be best to start building-up the town’s defenses. Bubba, Noot, Amanda and two of the town’s men who will drive city salt trucks to a nearby town, Mayville, there is a Home Depot just on the outskirts of Mayville. The town needs more wood posts, and fencing.

Dr. House has been snooping around the doctor’s office, the doctor is missing along with all the patients that are supposed to be resting there. Dr. House found a wadded up piece of cloth that had traces of chloroform on it.

While Bubba, Amanda and the two town’s men are loading up the trucks, Noot scavenges around Home Depot for anything that might be explosive. Poor Noot stumbles onto a bizarre scene. In the employee lunch room she sees shamblers, sprinters and satan-babies. The shamblers are resting against walls, the sprinters are cradling the babies in their arms and the babies are relaxed almost sleeping. When they see Noot they activate and start behaving normally. Sprinter screaming, shambler moaning and satan-baby screeching are mingled with poor Noot’s own screams as she runs away.

The sprinters are taken out quickly by a grenade thrown by Amanda. Noot runs past Bubba and Amanda and hides in a shelf as the rest of the zombies are taken out by Bubba, Amanda and the two town’s men. As Noot is hiding the scrawny archeologist that was with them in the RV and had died days ago comes after her as a zombie. The zombie is rifling through the shelf grabbing after Noot when Amanda fills his head full of lead, M16 lead. Amanda has become quite the hot shot with a M16.

Drake was resting at the doctor’s office when he heard an old familiar laugh from behind him and the touch of a cold metal gun muzzle pressed against the back of his head. Drake turned around and saw it was his old nemesis Kwame. Kwame is the man who killed Drake’s father and promised to kill Drake too. Kwame, chuckled and said, “Well, well, Drake, it looks like not even the world ending in a zombie apocalypse is enough to let you escape my wrath”. Kwame cocked his pistol, smiled and that was when Kwame’s brother, the doctor stepped up and whispered into Kwame’s ear. Kwame’s face fell in disappointment. Then the doctor said out loud reinforcing what he just said “Kwame, this is the man I was telling you about. The only one who is immune to the zombie virus. We need him alive if we are to complete are experiments.” Kwame, forcefully controlled his temper and told his brother “Well if you need to keep him alive for testing, promise one thing. Make the tests painful”

Drake went to sleep expecting a lower GI to be performed and woke up in a large warehouse like room strapped down to a gurney. The doctor was standing over him holding a zombie head that was still alive and snapping its mouth. The doctor put the zombie head on Drake’s leg and let it bite him. “Now” says the doctor, “let’s see what happens next” with a cruel smile on his face.



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