War of the Dead

March 4 2012
The group pushes on through Raleigh to get to a Walgreens. They come across a woman and a baby locked in a parked car surrounded by zombies. The group quickly kills the zombies and saves the woman and her baby, together they come along with the group for their own safety.

The group finally makes it to Walgreens. Walgreens has several cars still in the parking lot, broken windows everywhere, looted isles, and it is dark inside. The group decides to stay near the enterance of Walgreens in the main isle and make a lot of noise to draw the zombies to them. While they are waiting two flashlights are found by the checkout counter.

The first zombie was the worse. She came around the corner and faced off with Bubba. Bubba took one look and her and with a tear in his eye he cried MAWMA! Yes, it was Bubbas own 6 foot 2, three hundred pound mother and Bubba just stood there unable to strike her down with his combine blade. Amanda fired on Bubba’s mawma with her M16, knocking mawma back and into shelving units and causing bits of mawma’s flesh and bone spray onto Bubba.

Bubba can’t stand it anymore and jumps on Amanda knocking her gun away and holding her in a wrestling move. Mawma starts to move forward to bite and Dr. House crushes her brain with his mind. The group now has figured out that Dr. House has some special ability that he has been keeping secret for a while. As the battle ensues Dr. House uses his special power ruthlessly against zombies but after a few minutes he is mentally exhausted and cannot continue.

Bubba releases Amanda and he starts to fight again but he is too shaken to be of any use. All he really can accomplish is to hold off zombies but he has trouble beheading any of them. After Bubba releases Amanda, Amanda ran through the approaching zombies and down an empty dark isle with one of the two flashlights. She is determined to run to the back of the store to get to the pharmacy and get the medicine before the group is overran by zombies.

She makes it to the back of the store and is confronted by a large overweight zombie wearing a bloody butcher’s apron and carrying an equally bloody butcher’s cleaver. Some zombies retain a bit of their former life, the butcher zombie swings his butcher’s cleaver and strikes Amanda in the head, possibly fatally.

In the pitch of battle Parker climbs up on the counter for height advantage and swings her baseball bat like a golf club quite effectively. Heads go rolling down the aisle, CLEANUP ON AISLE 6! During the battle Parker gets pushed back to the corner wall and manages to hold off the zombies for the rest of the battle.

Drake and Duncan are standing side by side killing zombies with their combine blades then the unthinkable happens, Duncan gets bit on the hand by a zombie, he now is going to die. Duncan manages to get out of combat and steps outside, he makes a tourniquet out of his belt and lashes it around his wrist not knowing how he will cut his own hand off. Dr. House pulls out a scalpel and removes Duncan’s injured hand to avoid infection.

The epic battle is finally done and the group finds the medicine so desperately needed by Noot. The group finds other supplies and Dr. House his vicodin. Everything is loaded into three cars and the group makes a run for it by plowing through approaching zombies. Amanda successfully drives through the zombies and out of town but Drake who is driving the second car bounces off a curb and right through a store window. In Drake’s car are the two remaining men from the warehouse and the rescued woman with her baby. One man jumps out of the car after it stops, but the other man, the woman and her baby are unresponsive. Drake grabs the baby and jumps into Bubba’s car. The one remaining man is dragged down by zombies.

As the group drives out of town the baby in Drake’s arms revives as a zombie. Drake rolls down the window of the moving car and tosses the baby out. Bubba reflects how far and low humanity has sunk. That a man of Drake’s “goodness” can casually toss a baby from a moving car.

The group drives the rest of the way to the warehouse to discover that it is surrounded by hundreds of zombies. All the survivors pack into Bubba’s car and Amanda approaches the warehouse honking her horn to draw the attention of zombies. She backs away with zombies in tow and Bubba drives his car to a side door and everyone except Amanda gets into the warehouse. In the short struggle to get into the warehouse Drake is bit by a zombie on the bicep.

Inside the scene is ugly. The three soldiers and the people from the church are holding off a crowd that wants to raid the office where Noot and the sick little girl are resting. The crowd wants to kill them before they turn into zombies. The leader of the crowd is the guy the group picked up in the RV. The one who was screaming, “We all are infected. Everyone has the disease”.

Bubba manages to calm down the crowd by showing them the medicine and promising to kill the Noot and the sick girl himself if they turn into zombies. Dr. House successfully uses the medicine and while Noot is very tired and exhausted she is doing well. The leader of the crowd shyly comes into the office and says that there is a problem. A couple of his people ran off during the stand-off and they cannot be located in the warehouse.

Drake, a dad, and one of the soldiers go into the warehouse look for the missing people. What they see is the light of an open door with flickering shadows moving past it. Sprinters charge the three men. Drake gives the order to run but the soldier holds his ground and opens fire. There are too many people to fit into Bubba’s lone car so the soldiers and Lieutenant Hauser agree to jump on the roof of the car and hold onto the luggage rack. The warehouse side door is opened as screams of the dying are heard inside, everyone runs out of the warehouse just as Amanda pulls up. She had been scouting the old army camp and came back just in time. Everyone piles into both cars and they drive away.



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