War of the Dead

January 22 2012
The RV was firmly stuck in a ditch with a crowd of zombies filtering out of the woods, a couple of zombies started pounding on the side of the RV, Bubba stepped out, shot the zombies and saw that frame of the RV was touching dirt and the wheel had no traction. The RV was here to stay. The crowd of zombies coming out of the woods during the fight seemed like a lot of zombies but it was only a dripping faucet, the faucet was suddenly opened and a dense crowd of zombies packed together so tight that only a crowd of soccer spectators at the World Cup could match its density. This crowed started pouring out of the woods, all zombies. It was time to run.

The group ran for their lives into a corn field on the other side of the road and quickly got separated between the rows. In the corn field Dr. House survived being shot by an angry old farmer who was shooting randomly into the cornfield at zombies. Bubba bravely fought off a straw stuffed scarecrow after it landed on his shoulders when he ran into it. Drake stopped to help a pretty farmer’s daughter he saw sitting in the corn field. She turned out to be a fresh zombie, he didn’t notice right away because she was still hot! Amanda caught the worse of it again. It must be Karma. She was attacked by a zombie covered with crows pecking at the flesh of the walking dead. She saw a crow rip out an eyeball and froze in fear. That is one bad scene that will give her nightmares and wet beds for years to come.

At the end of the corn field the group regrouped in a clearing by a farm house. In the clearing was a huge pile of dismembered zombies, all still alive and active but unable to move. That is where they meet Parker who ran over the zombies using the farmer’s combine and piled them up using the farmer’s bulldozer. She was deciding what to do with the pile as the group came running out of the corn field. As they discussed what to do next everyone heard church bells ringing from nearby and decided to check it out. At the church they were greeted by Father Romano and a dozen other people.

Before they leave the farm they use the farmer’s work shop to fashion 3 swords out of old combine blades and duct tape for hilts.

The people at the church had been holed up for a couple of weeks and would like to get to Raleigh the closest safe zone. Was it Billy or Bobby, no one can is sure who-is-who between those two local yokels, well one of them has a tow truck in his garage and is willing to make a run for it. If they can get the RV out of the ditch everyone can ride in it for the short trip to Raleigh, the safe zone.

As the group is waiting for the tow truck a pregnant woman goes into labor and Dr. House takes her into a back office to deliver the baby with the help of Father Romano. Dr. House is distracted by a feverish sick 3 year old girl who has a stubborn “flu”. The little sick girl’s father is also the newly expecting father and he like Dr. House is going back and forth checking on both patients. While Dr. House was checking on the little girl and dad was with his wife something bad happened, dad stumbled into the chapel mumbling “They’re dead, they’re all dead.” Duncan ran into the room and saw that whatever had been in the mother’s womb was no baby. It ripped its way out of the mother’s stomach chased down Father Romano and disemboweled him. As the group is trying to chase down this fast moving little monster hiding in the dark between the pews, the motorcycle gang arrives at the church demanding that the church members surrender the group. Duncan, in a stroke of genius has the idea of ringing the church bells and summoning a crowd of zombies to occupy the motorcycle gang members.

Father Romano and mom zombies sprint into the chapel screeching like dying cats. They broke down the door from the outer room where they had died. This is the first time the group has seen “sprinters” and they are much faster and more deadly than their cousins “shambler” zombies. As the group fights the sprinters inside the church, the motorcycle gang fights zombies outside of the church. The motorcycle gang gets chased away by the crowd of zombies. Billy, Bobby, whoever, pulls up with the RV just as the motorcycle gang is riding out. Everyone jumps in the RV and are now headed to Raleigh.



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