War of the Dead

February 3 2012
The RV packed with the group and a dozen church members go down the road a little while and decide to pull over for the night. No one is too keen on the idea of driving at night. Early the next morning while driving to Raleigh they see a point in the road that is blocked by several cars and a school bus all piled up in an accident. Zombies are seen shambling around, the school bus must have been filled with a high school football team because half of the zombies are still wearing football gear. Bubba wants that protective football gear for himself.

They moved the RV just a little bit closer to the zombies then Drake, Bubba, and Duncan got out of the RV armed with their combine blades. The plan was to silently cut down these zombies without attracting more zombies from the woods that is on both sides of the road. As the zombies slowly approached, the most bizarre thing happened, zombies started dropping as if dead. Throughout the fight about 15 of the 20 zombies mysteriously died, the zombies that did not just drop dead were cut down by the three men armed with combine blades. After the battle some cars still had to be moved to clear the road. Noot sneaked up to the cars to try and scavenge anything of value. She was not prepared for the horror she saw inside the first car she looked in. It wasn't the mom zombie still sitting in the car strapped to her seat by the seat belt that was so bad it was the infant zombie in the back seat still in it's car seat that made Noot freeze in fear. She took a couple of steps backing up from the car, turned as white as a ghost, clutched her chest and fell to the ground. Bubba wanted to start CPR on her but decided a real doctor would be far better. Bubba picked up Noot and ran back to the RV yelling for Dr. House to get of the RV and help.

Dr. House did his best, trying over and over again to revive her. Noot felt herself floating away, looked down she saw Dr. House trying to revive her own small body as she drifted higher. Perhaps its Bubba new look, he is wearing a priest's robe and shaved his hillbilly beard, that help Bubba summon up the strength to call Noot's soul back to her body, or it just may be that Bubba has a way with the women, either way Noot held on.

The group is now even more determined to get to Raleigh, without proper medical equipment Noot will die. Just as they get ready to start driving again a man on a BMX bike peddles out of the woods with a group of zombies chasing him. He sees the RV and peddles over to them. Amanda thinks he looks cute so she let's him in. The stranger seams upset and depressed. Dr. House and Bubba check him over for bite marks, he's clean but the guy says "It doesn't matter, I am infected. We all are infected. Everyone has the disease. Your just waiting to die before you become one of them. You don't have to be infected by them to turn into a zombie, that's because you already are infected." Amanda thinks the guys is crazy and loses interest in him but Bubba thinks he might just be right.

As the RV approaches Raleigh, they see the city aflame and hear military artillery shelling the city. Just outside of the city is a temporary camp setup for the living. The camp has tents, watch towers, and is surrounded by a eight foot fence with razor wire on top. As the RV pulls up the group sees a crowd of people running towards the fence. Duncan climbs on top of the RV with binoculars to see what is happening. Zombies have breached the camp's perimeter, and worse yet, many of the zombies are sprinters. Two Humvees run thought the fence freeing a crowd of terrified people who come running towards the RV.

The group decides it's time to leave before the crowed catches up to them. Dr. House is not a great driver but he manages to avoid getting the RV stuck in a ditch but he does not manage to outmaneuver the terrified driver in the Humvee. The Humvee and the RV collide. The Humvee rolls over and lands on it's top, the RV rolls over onto the passenger side blocking the door, and poor Duncan who was still on top goes flying, flying without wings. Everyone in the RV is badly bruised up and hurt but none as bad as Duncan. It's a miracle he survived at all.

Amanda is the first to crawl out of the roof top portal of RV, now on it's side, she runs over and helps Duncan get up on his feet so he does not get trampled by the crowd of people running in panic. The last to get out of the RV is Bubba who kicked out the back window and is carrying the still comatose Noot. The group sees hundreds of sprinters taking down people and soon they will be next. Almost everyone that can move is hurt and limping badly so they decide to take to the woods to look for a place to hide.

Amanda spots a warehouse. The group runs to the warehouse only to find that all the doors are closed and locked. Amanda picks the lock on a door, it's dark inside and the sun is shining bright, she can't see anything beyond the door. Bubba shoves her through and follows up behind her. Waiting for them in the inside is 4 army men with M16s pointing at the group. The army men lower their weapons, close the door and relock it. As crazy as some of the group is dressed and armed it's clear that at least they still have their wits about them. It's early in the day but the group needs really needs some time to rest and the warehouse seams secure.

The warehouse now has the group, the church members, the 4 army guys, and about 40 other people also taking refuge here. Noot manages to survive the night but without proper medicine she will die. Lieutenant Hauser, the leader of the 4 army guys, suggests that the group go into Raleigh to find a pharmacy for Noot's medicine. By now the city should be mostly cleared of zombies.



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