War of the Dead

April 27 2012
The group continues on it way aimlessly down the road.

On the first steep hill they cross the breaks on the wagon fail and the wagon takes-off downhill unrestrained with Bubba and Taylor still inside. Both jump out of the wagon as it picks up speed and eventually crashes, bending in a wheel. There are plenty of spare parts from other cars along the road to make a fix but it will take a full day.

As the group waits for the repairs three men cross over the hill coming from the other direction. The fat one calls himself N00bkiller42, the second one a small gnome of a man is called Sha, and the third one, still in his sheriff uniform is, Sheriff Buford T. Justice himself. Sha is a tinkerer and has a few safety suggestions for Taylor concerning the break problems.

The next day the group decides they need a destination. Drake knows of a small military depot about 3 days walk from where they are now. The group decides to head that way, Sheriff Buford T. Justice and N00bkiller42 join the group.

Along they way a large heard of cattle are spooked by a pack of wolves and come stampeding right through the group as they are resting and getting ready to camp for the night. People hide and cower behind the wagon, then panic and run away trying to get out of the way of the stampede but not Parker. Parker just stands there fascinated as the heard rushers her towards her. Then, as a large bull runs close to her she leaps on it’s back and starts pulling back on its horns. Eventually slowing down and calming down the beast. Now the group has a beast of burden to pull their wagon.

The next day the good sheriff finds a keg of beer, its gone skunky but that doesn’t stop a few of the guys from drinking that night. Unfortunately, early the next morning, a large group of shamblers and some sprinters raid the group while everyone is still sleeping. Just Duncan and Michael are awake and on watch. Sheriff Buford T. Justice just can’t be awaken, he is recovering from last night’s kegger. As the shamblers move in Parker jumps on Blue, she named the bull, and charges into the shamblers trampling zombies in her path. The battle goes quite badly for the zombies as they are cleaved up by Bubba with his combine blade, kicked in the head by Noot, trampled by Blue, and shot by N00bkiller42 who happens to be very good with his pair of antique Smith and Wesson pistols.

The next day as they group travels down the road they are ambushed by roadside bandits wearing shabby military fatigues and carrying hunting rifles. The first road bandit to fire shoots a rocket launcher at the group sending people ducking in cover and flipping over the wagon. Blue is so unnerved Parker has to spend the entire battle calming down the bull. The battle is fierce and the bandits are unnerved and surprised as Bubba charges them during the fire fight. The group has some good shots and the seven bandits are put down quickly only to raise again as zombies that need to be killed a second time.



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