More Hints on how to play 3D Dolus & Draco.
Strategy Hints
The higher your AC is the less often monsters will hit you.
When you start into a new zone wait and see if any monsters are charging you before you go out and pick a fight.
Run from a fight as soon as you think you may lose.
Test unknown scrolls when the zone is nearly cleared of monsters.
Use mountain creating scrolls to help give you a better view of the zone.
Always wait until you have several unknown potions before testing potions. If the first one is bad, use another potion to remove the first potions effect.
You only heal when not in combat. If you have a monster targeted you are considered in combat.
If you are connected to the internet when you play your high scores will be saved on the global high score web site.
More Hints
Never trust a beholder. They sneak up behind you and petrify you.
Always kill weakened air elementals, just out of spite. Think of all the deaths the enraged ones have caused you.
When fighting you do not have to face the monster. Turn around and keep a look out for other monsters that may wander into the battle.
When grief stricken by the loss of a good character. Seek counseling immediately. It’s still just a game.
When loosing a fight start looking around for a down hill area or a flat area for your escape route. Never try to escape running up a hill.
When in combat if the area you are in is unsafe, walk to a safe area. The monster(s) will follow.
If you have a good thing going with a timed potion, don’t stop to loot the chests. Come back later to loot.
Zone to the next level when you are almost ready to gain a level. You gain the level quickly on the new zone and now have that advantage over the monsters.
Your character has an innate ability to identify bad potions. He sorts the bad ones on the bottom of the list. Test unknown potions starting from the bottom and work your way up until you find a good potion.
The bonus damage that is applied is never more than that of the original weapon damage potential. So, if you find a dagger that has damage 5 and your character has a damage bonus 8 and has two magic items that total up to 4 bonus damage. Making a grand total of 12 bonus damage. Your dagger’s damage will be bumped from a 1d5 to a 1d10, not all the way to a 1d17.
When monsters need less than 5 to hit you on a 1d20, they use power attack and do more damage.
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